
DayzUnderground Mod Update 11

DUG Mod Update #11 Overview

We have released DUG mod update #11 with new content, fixes to base building and more.

DUG Mod Update #10 Overview

DUG Mod Update #10 Overview

The DUG mod update #10 adds new content, less-than-lethal ammo, and re-introduces missing features.

Fishing Mod Released

Fishing Mod Released

Our modding team has released a fully fleshed fishing mod based on the initial implementation by and with permission from ZeroY.

DUG Mod “Survival” Update #9 Overview

DUG Mod “Survival” Update #9 Overview

With the most recent DayzUnderground mod update we are bringing back popular survival features to DayZ.

new modded items by munghard and windstride

New items by Munghard and Windstride in DUG mod

We want to thank Munghard and Windstride for their amazing contributions to the DUG mod.

DUG Military Clothing Pack Release Trailer

DUG Military Clothing Pack Release Trailer

Cassette Player Mod by Arkensor and DUG Release Trailer

Cassette Player Mod by Arkensor and DUG Release Trailer

dayzunderground military clothing pack release

DayzUnderground Military Clothing Pack Release

The DayzUnderground military clothing pack releases over 100 new and unique military clothing items with a focus on detail and authenticity.

dayz casette player mod release

Arkensor and DUG Release Cassette Player Mod

In cooperation with Arkensor, DayzUnderground is releasing a working cassette player with various playable tapes.