DayZ 0.63 Experimental Update releases and improves DayZ with new engine and features
These engine and gameplay changes are coming to DayZ.
These engine and gameplay changes are coming to DayZ.
All bans, except those issued for ban evasion, can be appealed by provide us information and filling out a ban appeal.
“The Humans of Chernarus” is a photo series showing portraits of real survivors on DUG, what they go through to survive and the stories they experienced along the way.
A short summary of all important DayZ Status Report info.
We’re on a boat, shipping UN crates labelled emergency relief when we find out where we’re heading, our departure into the unknown written by SevRoks begins.
Find out what’s new and stay up-to-date on all new DayZ Stress Test changelogs.
In this event we’re taking the fight to Northeast Airfield where teams will do everything to win and be crowned Kings.
EVENT NAME: Vybor/Stary Capture the Flag TIME: April 28th, 16:00 EST LOCATION: Vybor, Stary Sobor and the surrounding area DURATION: 90 minutes OBJECTIVE: Competing teams will attempt to take and control the opposing team’s barrel while simultaneously protecting their own.
EVENT NAME: King of Severograd Construction LOCATION: Severograd and surrounding area DURATION: 90 minutes OBJECTIVE: Competing teams will attempt to take and hold the construction building for the duration of the event.