DayzUnderground clothing pack adds over 100 unique new civilian clothing items
Today we have released our 6th major update to the custom DayzUnderground server mod. Available now, our players get over 100 new and unique civilian clothing items and variations. The DUG clothing pack gives you exclusive and new high-quality retextures and a new 3D model.
This first release offers you a huge variety across all categories: New pants, jackets, backpacks, hats, shoes, vests and more, giving you new opportunities for your character customization and most importantly interesting gameplay. We are only sharing a few limited previews of the content through our Discord and Twitter – the vast majority is for you to find out!

The DUG clothing pack not only gives you new colors but also entirely new patterns and fabrics, like this robust wool hoodie coming in multiple colors.
As with pretty much all of our modding choices, we focus on authentic content that fits the world, while also hiding some fun easter eggs here and there. All retextures are made from scratch with a focus on individual quality.
Watch the release trailer
We want to thank our texturing team who worked countless hours to bring you this release:
- DrDeSync
- PurePassion
- Tony
- Abbie
- HumbleAtomicBohemian
- QuartzPuffyStar
- Novelin
as well as Ammo and Diesel for taking care of all configs and server-side settings.
Have fun out there discovering all the new content!