Join the DUG dev team and contribute towards the future of hardcore survival
The DayzUnderground mod is known for a high quality standard thanks to the amazing team of volunteers behind it who come together in their free time, motivated by delivering a great gameplay experience to our players and non-profit community.
While we so far only accepted contributors for 3d content and textures (we still do!) which has lead to multiple people joining the team and delivering great content, we’re now also opening up for coding and scripting contributions.
We are looking for experienced coders and scripters to join our dev team!
If you’re interested in working among a team of experienced adults and tackle some of the more challenging aspects of DayZ modding, let us know through the DUG Discord by messaging “Merlin/PurePassion”.
To ensure a good fit, we are opening up trial periods for anyone who wants to contribute.
A couple things to note:
We have zero tolerance for content theft. All work submitted must wholly be your original work.
You keep ownership of your code but grant DUG perpetual and non-revocable usage rights.
Anyone participating can expect full credit for any work done.
Feedback, code review and high level help will be available from experienced members of the modding team, although we are not looking for people new to coding.
Those that prove to be a good fit may be asked to join on a more permanent basis.

DUG developer “Ammo” meeting former lead producer Eugen Harton at Gamescom.
For anyone interested, we’re offering tasks with a variety of complexity to showcase your abilities. You can pick and choose whatever you’re interested in:
Random amount of water spawning in containers
Prevent players from entering drivers seat with item in hand and any seat with large item in hand (Already done by contributor)
Face paint (only code side, we will provide textures etc.) (Already done by contributor)
Investigate a better “no fence collision” method to allow fences to only collide with select things
Interested? Please contact us through the DayzUnderground Discord
Please also feel free to forward this message to anyone.