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7 years ago

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This is an exciting week for DayZ fans and veterans.

Gamescom, the world’s largest gaming convention, takes place in the beautiful city of Cologne. Bohemia Interactive and the DayZ developers have a large booth where, aside from showcasing the current state of development on all platforms, they will also share an official date for the PC BETA; plans with DayZ’s new Enfusion engine; the return of the Survivor GameZ; modding support; post-launch development, and more.

Ammo and Merlin from the DUG team will be there and spend time with the developers to bring the community more information and answer some of the questions and concerns we have.

Gamescom 2018 is a DayZ highlight – We’re there and share all news

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There’s a new DayZ trailer, interesting comments by the brand & PR manager Martin on Reddit, news from the devs on Twitter, a blog post by Bohemia and we’re only halfway through Gamescom. Finding all important info is a hassle but we’ve got your back. And we’re throwing in some goodies as well.

Subscribe to the mailing list and we deliver short, curated, summarized news straight to you – oh and we’re giving away DayZ merch

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  • Merch giveaways, contests
  • Curated DayZ news, guides and community content
  • DUG event announcements and reminders

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