DayZ Underground is Thriving 11 Years After its Launch


2 weeks ago

Today, DayzUnderground is known for tough survival tuning and engaging roleplay (RP), but few people know just how long the community has been around. On March 8, 2025, DayzUnderground will turn 11 years old, and the community has never been healthier than it is today.

To put 11 years into perspective, DayzUnderground pre-dates iconic video games like The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Destiny, or even the Nintendo Switch console. You know what else DayzUnderground pre-dates? The entire John Wick series of movies, and there are four of them!

What’s the big deal, you ask? Well, it’s one thing to stick around for 11 years, but it’s entirely different to thrive as you kick off your second decade as a community. Have you tried to play DUG during prime time recently? I’m trying to play right now, and thus far I’ve been able to write this entire article while waiting in queue. That’s right, in 2025, DUG is one of the most popular destinations in the DayZ community. So popular, in fact, that RunningManZ hopped in and, by all accounts, had a wonderful time and found loads of loot. Don’t fact check that last bit.

Okay, so DUG is alive and well 11 years later. What’s the point of telling you that? I don’t know, I needed something to do while I was waiting in queue. We’re proud of our community and like screaming it from the walls of Devil’s Castle. You know, the Devil’s Castle that King Cameron had to buy because he wasn’t a real king. Take your pick, or don’t. if you’ve read this far, you’re a DUG sicko like the rest of us, and you still will be when John Wick 8 comes out.
