Submit your application, become a DUG Community Member, and contribute to DayZ’s longest-running server!

DayzUnderground is a private organic roleplay community. While our server is open and available for anyone to join, only DUG Community Members receive access to additional benefits:

Having your application from here accepted will make you a full DUG Community Member with Membership access. As a Community Member, you get a voice in all our community discussions that shape the future of DayzUnderground, in addition to all the other benefits listed above.

Applications are reviewed within one week but might also take longer. Everyone receives an E-Mail with their result. Want to write a good application? This FAQ will help you!

Our application system is straightforward and gives you the ability to tell us what you care about. There are no quiz questions or character essays. 

Be honest, and genuine, show effort in your application, and join a community of like-minded but diverse storytellers.

We also recommend you read these two pages so you understand beforehand if this is the right community for you: Organic Roleplay and our Rules

Start Your Application